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Self-care: your own way

This is another fantastic article from one of our amazing student bloggers, Giorgia Sala. Enjoy. Looking after your mental health can be done outside of psychology clinics. I was recently excited by…

Mindfulness Based Therapy

Today’s article from one our new student contributors, Harindhi Wimaladharma. She is an undergraduate at Victoria University and we look forward to mentoring in her early career (Dean). Mindfulness Based Therapy (MBT)…

Anxiety in the Workplace

Anxiety in the Workplace Anxiety disorders have a significant impact on an individual’s performance in the workplace. Similarly, the workplace can have an equally significant impact on an individual’s experience of anxiety.…


Another great article from one of our student bloggers In Australia, the biggest killer of men under the age of 45 is suicide. Men’s mental health has become a topic of increasing…