About us
We founded Prahran Psychology in 2009 after gaining a wealth of experience in both the public and private sectors. We learned our craft working with some of the most challenging forensic populations in Victoria and decided to apply our skills to service the needs of our community.
We offer a very personalised service and see the practice as an opportunity to follow our passion for facilitating change in people. We love to meet new clients, but are equally happy when we get to bid them farewell, knowing they are in a stronger, better place.
As well as our day to day clinical and counselling work, we service the needs of sporting bodies such as the AFL Players Association and Australian Basketballers Association. We provide consultation to Victoria Police and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection as Independent Experts on family violence matters. We also have a longstanding relationship with The Salvos Access Health program servicing the needs of Melbourne’s homeless.
Learn more about the Services our Psychology Clinic Provides: