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Pioneering Employee Wellness Programs

The average person will spend more than 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime, making the workplace undoubtedly one of the biggest influences on your health both physically and emotionally.

In recent decades with technology making the working week virtually unrelenting, more and more employers have realised the importance of making their employees mental wellness a priority. It’s an issue that cannot be taken lightly by employers as research shows that last year alone, 13 million working days were lost due to stress-related illnesses such as heart disease, asthma, obesity, diabetes, depression and anxiety.

Many of the world’s most well-known companies such as Microsoft, Google and Facebook have commissioned employee wellness programs that are unique and effective by utilising five key criteria for creating employee satisfaction.

  1. Understanding

Develop a solid understanding of what the employee needs from their employer and in turn what the employer expects from their employer.

  1. Communication

Open communication through the use of services such as an employment psychologist or regular employee feedback programs.

  1. Planning

Generating a clear plan for an employee assistance program that will ensure the employee feels supported physically and psychologically.

  1. Incentives

Utilizing incentives to reward employees for their hard work as well as to encourage positive workplace behaviour.

  1. Revaluation

Frequent revaluation of the strategies in place by both employer and employee.

From work class gymnasiums to flexible working hours, companies are implementing programs based on the above principals in creative and innovative ways to improve workplace morale and employee satisfaction. It is not just the employees that can expect to benefit from these programs, employers can look forward to creating an environment comprised of more productive and positive employees.

These mutual benefits contribute significantly to generating a healthy workplace environment that will continue to grow with heightened respect, trust and loyalty from both employers and employees alike.

Madeline Foster

Deakin University student

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