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Another great article from one of our student bloggers

In Australia, the biggest killer of men under the age of 45 is suicide.

Men’s mental health has become a topic of increasing significance over recent years with statistics showing that one man commits suicide every minute. That equates to more than half a million male suicides per year, worldwide. Furthermore, although research has repeatedly shown that women have higher levels of anxiety and depression, the majority of suicide casualties are male. Statistics confirm that last year 80 per cent of all suicides in Australia were men.

However, despite these alarming statistics it is estimated that only around 20% of the Australian population are aware of the substantial risk to our young men. Therefore, the innovative social media campaign, #ITSOKTOTALK is a step in the right direction towards raising crucial awareness of this matter. The campaign aims to work together with the many organisations and initiatives that already focus on this particular area of mental health including; Movember, MensLine Australia and Men’s Sheds Australia.

The campaign’s fundamental objective is to address the concern that; despite the existence of these support systems and groups, many men feel that they still cannot and should not seek help. Therefore, as well as raising awareness, the current campaign aims to make these support systems known and destigmatise mental health matters for males.

This endeavour to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with men’s mental health has started social media tidal wave with a barrage of selfies from males around the world appearing on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter featuring the hashtag; #ITSOKTOTALK. These images and words hope to encourage males (and females) to seek help without fear of judgement.

If you are concerned about your own, or another person’s mental health, contact your local GP or Lifeline on 13 11 14 for immediate help.


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Madeline Foster

Deakin University

Ref: Male mental health counselling Melbourne


One thought on “#ITSOKTOTALK

  1. This campaign will be a great help saving lives of the men’s who are in danger of committing suicide because of mainly depression. There has to be someone that we should open to or talked to if we are facing problems, real men’s do need someone to talk to.

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