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Melbourne Psychology Podcast

Dean Janover, Psychologist: managing obstacles that may be preventing you from achieving your goals

I sat down with renowned Melbourne nutritionist and performance coach, Donna Aston from Aston RX to discuss the obstacles that get in the way of achieving your goals. It was a great conversation in which we shared our experiences and the challenges of working with people to make meaningful changes in their lives.

It was obvious that our disciplines have lots of cross over as we are both interested in the mind – body connection and how the right mindset can help you perform at your best. Lots was covered in this podcast as we attempted to unpack some of the psychological barriers to change and what measures you can take to break through the inevitable setbacks.

Donna was a great interviewer and although I was there to impart my knowledge, the conversation helped me to learn a few things about the challenges associated with health and fitness. As we begin 2024 with the inevitable resolutions, this podcast may help you to turbocharge some of the goals you have set, or at least get you thinking about what you want to do differently this year. I urge you all to take on a THINK AND DO approach for 2024, which means when something comes to mind that is positive in nature, act on it instead of getting too bogged down in worry and over analysis.

Happy 2024 everyone. Now get going!

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