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Prahran Psychology New Year

Each year on the first of January we celebrate the anniversary of our founding. Prahran Psychology is now seven years old. Over the past year we have done some amazing things. On reflection of our achievements I feel like giving us a big pat on the back.

In 2015 we continued to work with our fantastic clients. We met a lot of new people and were able to help them to thrive. Through helping our clients we have also learned a lot about ourselves. What an incredible privilege it has been to bet allowed into our clients lives – thank you .

We were extremely busy this year in our other endeavours. Prahran Psychology grew its forensic arm by growing our partnerships with Victoria Police and Department of Immigration and Border Protection. We also developed our Employee Assistance Program so that we can be more active in helping businesses and organisations to improve mental health in the workplace. A focus on men’s mental health inspired us to establish our Man Up – Counselling and Mentoring service.

In 2016 we are aiming for further growth. Not only in our practice, but also in ourselves as practitioners and of course in our clients.

Thank you to everyone for an incredible 2015 and we look forward to achieving more in 2016.

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