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A Blog about a Blog

Welcome to the Off the Couch blog.

In our inaugural blog I want to discuss the blog itself and try to answer the question, what we are trying to achieve by writing this. The truth is we’re not yet sure what we want to achieve. All we know is that we want to communicate with a wider audience. Unfortunately we can get too stuck in our consulting rooms, seeing people hour to hour, day to day. Don’t get me wrong, we love doing that. It’s just that we wish our knowledge could be imparted to others who may benefit. So in this blog, we are trying our hand at expressing ideas and opinions about life in general, the world around us, and how it relates to the wonderful endeavour of practicing psychology.

Starting this blog is an example of the can do approach to psychology we take. We don’t know what it will be, just as much as the Beatles didn’t know they had a Sgt Peppers album in them when they wrote ‘She love you’. Before I started writing this, I researched the web for articles on how to write a blog. After thinking way too much about how to write it, I thought to hell with it and just started writing. I’m not sure I have a Sgt Peppers in me, but I’m willing to give it a crack

A clue to what this blog could be is in the title. Our brand of psychology aspires to get people out of their heads and into life. So as the title suggests, we’ll be exploring life both on and off the couch.


Enjoy reading



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